Command line script

SyGMa: Systematically Generating potential Metabolites

usage: sygma [-h] [--version] [-o OUTPUTTYPE] [-1 PHASE1] [-2 PHASE2]
             [-l {debug,info,warn, error}]

Positional Arguments

parentmol Smiles string of parent molecule structure

Named Arguments

--version show program’s version number and exit
-o, --outputtype

Molecule output type (default: sdf)

Default: sdf

-1, --phase1

Number of phase 1 cycles (default: 1)

Default: 1

-2, --phase2

Number of phase 2 cycles (default: 1)

Default: 1

-l, --loglevel

Possible choices: debug, info, warn, error

Set logging level (default: “info”)

Default: “info”